Moses Mountain Day tour


Departure: From Sharm El Sheikh
Days: Departure from Sharm El Sheikh at 20.00 every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.

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In Egypt, there is one legendary place of pilgrimage and interesting excursions, the significance of which has faded somewhat against the backdrop of holidays in Sharm el-Sheikh, Cairo and the Egyptian pyramids. Such a statement is so relevant that many tourists have not even heard of the place of pilgrimage on Mount Sinai.

If you remember the biblical story about how Moses led the Jews out of Egypt, it becomes clear that many shrines, including Orthodox ones, are located in Egypt.

Geographic location of the legend

The Sinai desert is located near the luxurious resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, you can get to Mount Sinai by renting a car. The only thing to keep in mind is that in some places you need to move on the sand, so calculate your strengths and skills.

The Sinai desert in ancient times was a crossroads between Asia and Africa, it was here that the border between Egypt and Israel lay. It was here that the Jewish people wandered for 40 years, this place was indicated to Moses by God as a place of revelation and truth.

Geographically, the Sinai Desert is located on the Sinai Peninsula, in the southern part of which rises Mount Sinai, which is also known as Mount Moses. Its height is 2285 meters. It was from this mountain that Moses turned to the Lord, it is here that the Burning Bush is located.

Climbing Sinai and meeting the dawn with believers

Of course, you need to travel to Sinai in a special mood. An amazing landscape, which in many ways is not similar to the earth, beautiful sunsets, an incomparable desert landscape. This place is unforgettable. In terms of its spiritual significance, Sinai is the greatest shrine of Christianity and the Jewish people.

On Sinai, you can, like Moses several millennia ago, “talk to God.” It was here that Moses received the tablets with the 10 commandments, which became the moral basis for all mankind. The holiness of this place is revered in all religions, it is a real moral cradle of humanity and human culture.

Pilgrims rise to Sinai every evening and meet the dawn in the morning. There is a Christian chapel and a mosque on the mountain so that you can pray, ask for protection from St. Catherine and hide from the weather. It is believed that in this place all human sins are forgiven, it is here that people who experience mental anguish and guilt seek. Since ancient times, the religious pilgrimage to Sinai has been a special piety.

Two paths to the top of Sinai

Guides warn in advance which way the group will climb. There are two paths to the top – the old path, along which Moses ascended, and the new one – a well-maintained tourist one. The old path is known as the “Stairway of Repentance”, it has 3750 steps.

This is one of the most ancient staircases, which has retained its almost original appearance – it is made of boulders without railings. This path can be recommended to young and well-trained people, climbing this path often ends in injuries. Many pilgrims prefer this path, rather than the new one, which is nicknamed the “Camel Trail”.

The “camel path” is longer, it goes around the mountain in a spiral, respectively, it is much easier to climb it. At the very top, the paths unite, and the pilgrims go through the 750 steps of the path of Moses to the mountain.

Religious communities and monasteries on Mount Sinai

The holiness of this place is undeniable, of course, since ancient times, believers have been striving here to devote their lives to God. Christian monastic communities appeared in these places in the 3rd century AD. In 337, Empress Helen built the Chapel of the Burning Bush on Sinai. The blackthorn root itself is indicated by a hole in the marble slab. This place is designated in religious texts as the place of growth of the tree of the Cross.

Near the church, the Burning Bush grows, hidden behind a two-meter fence, but the splendor of the bush allows you to touch the hanging branches. Since the deification of this place, they tried to transplant the Burning Bush, but all attempts ended in failure. On the entire Sinai Peninsula, only a few specimens of blackthorn have been preserved, but it is the Sinai one that is considered unique.

The bush was examined by the isotope method, which showed that its age is about 6 thousand years, that is, it could grow in the time of Moses. The uniqueness of this shrub and its age remains beyond the understanding of modern science.

Monastery of Saint Catherine

One of the most unique places in Sinai is the monastery of St. Catherine. In the 6th century, by order of Emperor Justinian, a monastery was erected in honor of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai. Chapel of the Burning Bush and a monastery with a unique basilica

Transformations receive powerful protection in the form of a fortress wall, which has been reliably protecting since then from nomadic raids, and now it forms a magnificent architectural ensemble. This is how the Greek monastery of St. Catherine appeared, which is located at an altitude of 1575 meters.

The history of Catherine’s canonization is unique and closely connected with this place. Catherine was of noble birth, distinguished by her pretty appearance, education and piety. In Egypt at that time there were two rulers Maximinus and Maxentius. Catherine tried to convert Maximinus to Christianity, who especially loved the rites of sacrifice. Maximin was struck by her beauty and qualities and offered her a hand and a heart, but Catherine had already chosen to serve Christ.

Maximin tried to dissuade his beloved, resorting to the experience of fifty scientists and sages, but Catherine turned out to be much stronger than them in a theosophical dispute. Maximin ordered them to be burned. Catherine was also tortured, but she did not renounce her faith.

Maximin imprisoned Catherine in prison and ordered to prepare a wheel that was supposed to tear the body of a poor woman alive. But instead, before the start of the torture, an angel descended to earth and destroyed the weapon. According to legend, those who saw the miracle whispered in horror: “Great is the Christian God.”

Maximin offered her to renounce her faith again, but this did not happen. Catherine was executed at the age of 18, in 305. Subsequently, Catherine was canonized and began to be considered the patroness of knowledge. In Orthodoxy, Saint Catherine is revered as the patroness of brides, marriage and women in childbirth.

The monastery has preserved a unique well, which is 2,000 years older than the monastery. This is where Moses stopped with his people.

The monastery as a whole is considered a holy place in all religious denominations. In the 7th century, the monks received a safe-conduct from the prophet Muhammad, a copy is kept in the monastery. As a tribute to recognition in the 10th century, a mosque was erected on the territory of the monastery. For a long time this place was under the protection of the Sinai Order of the Crusaders. The monastery was supported by Russian tsars, Turkish sultans, as well as Napoleon. Throughout history, the monastery has not been destroyed.

An excursion to Sinai is an opportunity to touch the unknown, discover the new and unknown in yourself and join the faith. Even for atheists, visiting Sinai becomes one of the most vivid experiences in life, it’s like traveling to antiquity without a time machine. In Sinai, miracles are an everyday reality.

What is included in the tour and its cost

Departure for the tour is carried out from Sharm el-Sheikh. The last group leaves at approximately 20:50. A comfortable bus will take you to the foot of the mountain in 3 hours. From here, under the guidance of a guide, a three-hour hike to the top of 2285 m above sea level begins.

A long path will lead you to a stone staircase of 700 steps. Having overcome this last part of the climb, you will find yourself at the top of the mountain. The ascent lasts 3 hours (from 01:00 to 04:00). The time was not chosen by chance, having a little rest after the ascent, you will be rewarded for hard work with the view of the sunrise, which on the top of Mount Moses is more beautiful than anywhere else.

If the path turns out to be too much for you, you can pay 60 eg. pounds to rent a camel that will take you to the top of the stairs. After descending from the mountain you will visit the monastery of St. Catherine, which has been operating continuously for 16 centuries. After the monastery, you will be provided with breakfast. Return to the hotel around 14:00.

The price of the tour includes:

  • Meeting and assistance upon arrival.
  • Entrance fees to all visited places.
  • Travel by comfortable bus.
  • Breakfast.
  • Russian speaking guide.

Take with you!

  • Passport.
  • Dry rations (you need to order at the reception at the hotel, the day of departure and take it with you, it’s free).
  • Drinking water.
  • Sunglasses.
  • Clothing: in the summer – a jacket or sweater, in the winter – MANDATORY !!! Warm clothes !!!
  • When visiting sacred places (ST. CATHERINE MONASTERY), please dress appropriately (shoulders and knees must be covered). Women wearing trousers are allowed to visit the Temples. Women are required to wear a headdress or headscarf.
  • Comfortable shoes.
  • Money for: buying drinks, buying souvenirs and personal expenses.

Attention ! Do not forget to take your passport, money, comfortable sports shoes for climbing and warm clothes with you (it is very cold in the mountains at night).

Additional information


Adult, Children


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